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Meeting Minutes
Oct 24, 2012

Davenport Fire Department Antique &

 Restoration Society


Minutes from Davenport Fire Antique & Restoration Society operating as International Fire Museum  meeting on Feb. 6th, 2007/ Letter of Upcoming ideas to restore the organization


Persons present- Rick Sherman, Ron Lofgren, Ryan Iossi, Nate Wilson, Bob Kramer, Aaron Whitaker



  • Discussed overall desire to restore interest in the museum, and begin more community involvement and activities.
  • Financial report by Ron Lofgren.  If was discussed that we have several people that either stopped contributing, of were inadvertently taken out of the system.  We need to discuss this with Geri, and Rick is putting a letter out to all members regarding the need for involvement.  At the present time, we are operating with little to no expense leftover, which leaves us in a bad situation in case of an emergency.  We need to look at other ways to create revenue. We will also be paid approx. $300 less by the union due to a premium overpays last year.
  • Ron discussed to thought of canceling the local phone to save costs, but it was determined that it is currently our only way of advertising because the yellow pages has our info in there since we have a business line.  It was decided that with the changes and improvements we are planning on making, it is imperative that we have a phone and answering machine to field calls. Phone bill is currently approx. $32.00/month, and is cheap advertising.
  • We need to look at our operating options as a non-profit organization.  What we are and aren’t allowed to do. Example selling shirts etc on a web store.
  • We need to increase our member size, and bring retirees in for their expertise and stories.  We need to add more historians!  Rick Sherman discussed retirees he would like to interview, and possible have a media event with interviewing such fires as the St Elizabeth Fire.
  • Repair, upkeep, and improvements of the entire museum were discussed, and ways to come up with financing for these projects.  Please see the attachment of these ideas and ways to generate money.  If you have any thoughts, ideas, or would like to offer to help in any way please contact Rick or Ryan. We will be organizing a project committee once new positions are elected.
  • We will be holding monthly meeting regularly, and also be holding elections at the next meeting.  If you would like to run for any positions, please contact Rick Sherman ASAP.  Positions held are President, Vice President, Sec/Treasurer, ??????????Next meeting will be held at…….????  We also discussed how to get more people to attend meetings.  We need your help guys/gals!  What is it going to take??
  • It was discussed that we need to have help from members in achieving of goals of opening the museum on weekends and one day/night during the week. We would just like a small donation from each person, and the big picture is that it will have a huge impact and fill most weekends by only volunteering for one shift in the summer.  We cannot expect 3-6 guys to do it alone.
  • We discussed several ideas of things we would like to do this year like a pancake breakfast, opening the museum for birthday parties for small donations, and several other ideas. Please refer to the attachment for these ideas also.
  • The discussion of hosting a “Fireman’s Ball” this fall.  Bob Kramer’s wife is on the YWCA committee that currently does this for the fire departments on the Illinois side of the river.  They have expressed interest in putting this event together for us, and it sounds like they do most of the work.  We will be looking into this.
  • We will look into having a town hall meeting at the museum to let the public know what our goals with the museum are, and hopefully spark some interest and donations from those wishing to help.  We will look at some sort of adverting to help get the word out.  We will talk with Tom Pilcher regarding printing up some flyers. 
  • Discussed the current furnace problems.  The furnace upstairs is broke.  Dave Thomas graciously looked at it for us, and it needs a new blower motor and other part.  These parts will be around $150, and Dave has offered to install them for free, but we need to decide whether we want to put more money into a furnace installed in 1983.  At this time we decided to wait and hopefully get money to replace the furnace by next fall with a more efficient unit.  It was decided that we can operate without it at this time, under current circumstances.
  • Rick, Ryan, and Bob discussed our meeting with members of Village of East Davenport Business Owners Association, and their support with rejuvenating the museum, and the expressed interest in donations for these improvements by local residents.  Also discussed the availability of grants available for our project.  The association would like the museum to play a huge roll in all activities and functions in the village.
  • Ryan Iossi is now on the “Events Planning Committee” in the village of East Davenport, and will be meeting on a monthly basis.  This is a quote used to describe what the Village of East Davenport Business Association would like to evolve into…..

Turning the Village of East Davenport into the PREMIER Historic Shopping and Family District in the Midwest.” 


It is my opinion that this association is trying to make the village something        similar the Galena, Illinois and bring people from all over to visit.


 This concludes the meeting, next  meeting will be anounced at a later date.





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Davenport Association of Professional Firefighters Local #17
4003 N Lillie avenue
Davenport , Iowa 52806
  (563) 386-6421

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